e-Safety Facts

Kids 5-12

Your guidance can help

As children start to navigate the online world and interact with others more independently, they are more likely to be exposed to risks of bullying or unwanted contact, accidentally coming across inappropriate content or racking up bills through in-app purchases.

Your guidance can help them be aware of the risks and understand what is expected of them. And let them know you are always there to support them. 

For kids aged 5 to 12, it is important to

  • Keep the computer or device in an area of your home that can be supervised. And check in regularly with your child to see what they are viewing.

  • Stay engaged with their online activity. If they agree, consider setting up your own accounts with the sites they use most so you can see how they work and understand the risks. 
  • Explore the online world with them to help establish that this is not just a solitary activity. Play games with them. Do a creative project together.
  • Think about social media readiness. Most social media sites require users to be at least 13 years of age before they can register, although some sites are created especially for children under 13. See are they old enough?
  • Encourage respect and empathy. Teach them to avoid sharing or posting things that may upset others. See good habits start young.
  • Start building resilience. Teach your child that there are ways they can deal with material that worries or frightens them. This includes immediately telling you or another trusted adult of any concerns or uncomfortable material. See good habits start young.
  • Encourage them to learn about online safety by exploring the kids section of this site.

Review your rules as your child grows older

  • Be clear about how much time they can spend online, the apps they can use, the websites they can visit and what they can share or post online. 

  • Refer to our advice about time online and online gaming if these are of concern.

Technology tips for parents of kids 5 to 12

  • Ensure your own devices are protected by a password or pin, so your child cannot accidentally come across inappropriate content.
  • If you are thinking about giving them their own tablet or smartphone, check out are they old enough?
  • Use parental control tools appropriate for the age and experience of your child.  Be upfront about this and get your child on board. Let them know that these can be reviewed and changed as they get older and they continue to demonstrate responsible behaviour. Consider installing a ‘child-friendly’ search engine that will allow them to explore a limited number of sites. See taming the technology.